
New Strategy About The SEO And How To Get Rank Fast?

Tuesday 18 February 2014

techvision solutionHello Friends, i found the new blog about the new strategy about the SEO and how to get rank fast.
Search engine optimization was once just a tactic some webmasters used to make their webpages more popular within the search engines. Nowadays, it is a strategy everyone has to use if they want a good rank and be safe from Google’s Panda. The dividends are possibly greater than any advertising budget could provide, since a good ranking means steady traffic coming to your site. Read the following paragraphs for new SEO strategies to rank your site.
Make sure the HTML on your website is properly coded. Even if the actual pages load into a browser and look just fine on your computer, there are varying degrees of quality coding. Search engines look at website quality and do judge some webpages to be too amateurish or even garbage, and don’t bother to index these pages at all. Run your code through an online utility that cleans it up, or have a programmer look it over.
Make sure the right Meta tags are used on your site. Do not try to use these to latch onto trendy keywords that have nothing to do with your site. If you sell home baked cookies, your Meta tags need to be relevant to this. You cannot list the latest heartthrob actor or trending musician and expect to get search traffic from that. Search engines check for relevance.
Put links on your website to sites that are related to yours. Doing this helps search engines determine that your website has relevant information searchers can use. Even put links pointing to your competitor sites if they fit contextually. One link to them is not going to push them past you in the rankings. They are living and dying by their own search engine optimization efforts. However, when you can, get backlinks from the sites you link to.
Have a good sitemap set up for your webpage. Search engine spiders do not automatically find every page on the Internet when they go roaming for pages to index and rank. A sitemap has links to all your primary content, so a search engine spider can easily find your entire website and rank it.
Make sure you are doing some kind of social media marketing. Even if you are not finding that much success in this area, every post, tweet or status update containing a link to your site helps your SEO efforts. Search engines do count the total number of links, but they also look at recent and fresh links, so constant updates are required here.
Make sure that you update your content with regularity. Search engines consider fresh, current and relevant results to be of the most value to their users. If your page is static and has not been updated in a year or so, your other SEO efforts won’t do you much good.
A Few Search Engine Optimization Tips for Your Online Business
If you have an online business, you need to develop a good search engine optimization campaign to improve your presence on the internet. Do not limit your SEO campaign to your main website. You should also optimize your mobile website, social networking profiles, YouTube videos, message board, your articles featured on article directories, and your blog. Use the same keywords on all these pages and create optimized links from one page to the other. Keep track of which links are the most visited and make sure you integrate your latest content into your network of links. If you develop a good SEO campaign for all your pages, your YouTube page or your blog will rank in search results as well.
You have probably come across services offering to draw more traffic to your site for a fee. You should not spend money on these services unless you are sure the service will draw targeted traffic to your site. Read reviews of different services and go through the terms and conditions of the contract you enter into. Choose a service with a good reputation and give as many details as possible about your target audience. Keep in mind that you can develop a good SEO campaign without spending money on ads or banners.
You need to structure all your content intelligently through links. Your main site should be well-organized and easy to navigate. Create site-wide links to your most important pages. You can organize these links in a menu or draw attention to your main pages with a banner. Your old articles should be organized into an archive. If you have a blog, choose a blogging platform that will provide you with the tools you need to structure your content efficiently and integrate this content into your site thanks to well-optimized links.
You should keep track of your results so that you can keep on improving your SEO campaign. Use a traffic counter and look up certain keywords on search engines to see how your content is ranked. If you find that the link to your homepage placed on your Facebook profile gets a lot of clicks, you should place more links on this profile to draw traffic to some of your product pages. You might find that your site ranks higher for certain keywords, but that the competition is tougher for others. Stay up-to-date with what your competitors are doing with their SEO campaign and adapt yours so your site remains competitive.
Creating quality content is the most important thing for the success of your online business. If you are able to write quality articles or create excellent videos, people will share this content, which means more back-links to your site or blog. Visitors will come back to your site if they know they can find quality content or if they subscribe to your newsletter or social networking updates. The popularity of your site will directly influence your ranking in search results. No matter how good your other SEO techniques are, your site will not be successful if you do not create quality content.
The concept of search engine optimization is not optional if you are serious about having a popular website that gets visitors, traffic and hopefully business from search engines. The results are just too important to ignore. Fortunately, you can do some things about it on your own or make specific requests of a professional to help you. Those specific ideas were listed in this article, so you now know what to do!
I got this information form this URL and i feel that it should be share to anyone who want know more about the new SEO strategy.

Decorate Your home Using Fashionable Wooden Surfboard with Surfboard Art

Monday 17 February 2014

Surfboards – The tool for surfing. If you think that surfboards are just for surfing then think twice. Surfboards can be used in many innovative and creative works. Decoration, Home decoration is one of them.

Home decoration is an important part of home beautification. Actually our home reflects our way of thinking.  When the word decoration comes to our mind we go through the beautiful imaginations.
Here I am going to discuss about the decorations using some innovative art like surfboard art.
Using surfboards you can give your home beach theme based look which is in present is the most liked and unique decoration in itself.

At present there is a wide range of surfboards are available in market like redwood surfboards, Alaia surfboard  grown in managed forests and many more.

How Can You Use Surfboards In Decoration

1.       You can use wooden surfboard  in the decoration of walls as surfboard wall art.
2.        Can use the unused surfboards as furniture like to make chairs, name plates to hang them in your courtyards and porches.
3.       You can use them as key holder, towel racks.
4.       Other than this you can use them as paddles in boating.
5.       Last but not the least you can take use of them as bookends and cutting boards.

Now with doing all these you can make your home like a beach house. And can feel the joy of having a beach at home.

Yahoo Brings Back Tabs To Its Mail

Friday 20 December 2013

Yahoo appears to be trying to win back a shred of favorability with Yahoo Mail users, announcing that it is bringing back its tabs feature.

There have been numerous gripes with Yahoo’s recent redesigns, and the lack of tabs has been a big one. After a lengthy service outage disaster, users could certainly use some good news.

Yahoo’s Jeff Bonforte writes on the Yahoo Mail blog, “When we launched the new version of Mail in October, we removed Tabs. One of the things you told us that annoyed you about tabs is that the more you had open, the harder they were to manage, and you wanted multitasking to be easy. With your feedback, we launched Recent view to help you jump between emails, drafts and search results more easily, but many of you still missed tabs. So we’re bringing back tabs, but this time, they’re a bit smarter.”
You can turn on the new tabs by going to View, then Multitasking, then Tabs.

Yahoo News Updates

“Now here’s the cool part,” says Bonforte. “Sometimes when you have a lot of tabs open, it’s hard to find the one you want. We’ve fixed that. In the tab menu (under the arrow icon after the last tab) you will see an option to Preview All. Open a few tabs and see how it works. And there is a very handy keyboard shortcut for this feature. Hit the ‘esc’ key. Your screen will clear off (we call this ‘boss mode’). There is a little icon in the bottom left corner that looks like a set of squares. Click that and now when you enter the boss mode, you will see all your tabs in a preview mode.”
The company says the feature will be available to all users globally over the next few days.

As far as the service issues are concerned, it’s unclear how many people are still having problems. Yahoo’s latest update on the subject came on Thursday, when it said it’s reaching out directly to all users affected by the outage. They encourage users to contact Customer Care and give a phone number.

From the sound of it, the Customer Care line has been giving users even more problems.

“We’ve heard that some users are experiencing longer wait times than usual,” Yahoo says. “We appreciate your patience while we work through a large volume of calls. We are adding agents quickly to support this large volume of calls.”


Get Bucks From Paid Writing

Wednesday 18 December 2013

What if you could make a few bucks in your spare time from the internet? Isn’t it great? Yes it is. Your skills can give you good money at all from the internet. Writing can make a few bucks every day for you. Most of the webmasters and also blogs look for the creative writer. Maintaining a blog is sometimes difficult for the people but they are passionate about the writing, they can try paid writing on few website Weblogs, Helium or PayPerPost.


Writing needs a good command over language. If you are really serious regarding to writing then you can become a copy editor. Webmasters pay a copy editor to read their articles and correct sentence fragments, grammatical errors and spellings.

If you are good writer also you have skill in which you are experienced in then also you can try for writing blog for that particular category. You can go for Ebook writing as well.

A list of the websites to make money online through writing:

1.      Associated content(Yahoo)

2.      Helium

3.  The Examiner


5.   Elance

6.   Odesk

7.   Fiverr

There are thousands of sources are available for the writing you can try them because these are few. Take your writing skill to the next level and earn free money online.




Make Your Cookies In Different Shapes: Halloween Cookie Cutters

Friday 25 October 2013

Cookie cutter is most useful and popular tool which is used in kitchens. The term Cookie cutter is defined as a tool used in making of cookies and also in decorating various food items.  Cookie cutters are multifunctional it simply means that besides cooking or baking it can be used for different tasks such as in arts and crafts ,  for giving different shapes to different items.  It has become a vital tool .

Cookie cutters are available in a wide range in the market made up of different types of materials such as metals , plastic, copper, stainless steel etc.  You can get Cookie cutters of different shapes and size like  Halloween Cookie Cutters, Number cookie cutters, Candy Shapes Cookie, Birds Cookie Cutters, Stencils Cupcake & Cookie and so many types are available in the market. 

You can make food for birds by taking Bird cookie cutter in the use , children love to do this activity. Also Number cookie cutter is used to make numbers and also you can use beads to make attractive decorative item.  And then that item can be used in decorating rooms of small children. For decorating the gift items. Other than this of course you can make cookies in different shapes like heart, circle , mustache so small kids will love to eat it happily and with fun.


So basically the conclusion is that Cookie cutters is a  multifunctional tool and so its good to have it in your kitchen.

Is It Time To Say Goodbye To Google PageRank?

Earlier this month, I had speculated that Google was getting ready to retire PageRank. It hadn’t been updated for several months and Matt Cutts hinted that PageRank “started to go away a little bit” in a recent webmaster help video. In his keynote at PubCon in Las Vegas, Cutts revealed the reason why PageRank hasn’t been updated and why it likely won’t be updated for a while – if ever.

Internally, PageRank updates on a daily basis and every so often, Google would push out the PageRank data to the Google toolbar through a pipeline (they haven’t done so since early 2013). The reason we haven’t seen a fresh PageRank update recently is because the PageRank pipeline broke, so while the PageRank data internally continues to update as it should, webmasters hoping to get a fresh look at PageRank data are out of luck.

Cutts also revealed they do not have anyone currently working on updating the pipeline and confirms we won’t see a PageRank update anytime this year. They are evaluating it to see if they need to make a fix to update the PageRank publicly next year.

Many webmasters still obsess over PageRank data, but the fact it hasn’t been updated since early this year means that webmasters have been less reliant on using it as an SEO tool of value. While Google continues to update the algorithm and penalize sites, webmasters can’t use it to spot check if a site has been penalized, as they could in years past. Few users are using the Google toolbar in Internet Explorer (it is also a feature that has to be manually turned on) so fewer people are seeing the data at all. There are still a lot of SEO tools that utilize and display PageRank information for sites and use it as a metric, particularly in tools that are gauging potential link values.

While it isn’t confirmed we will never see a PageRank update ever again, the fact we will only have a single PageRank update in 2013 and Google isn’t working on a pipeline fix makes it less likely PageRank will be updated or a valuable tool for webmasters going forward.

Techvision Solution provides the best and SEO services. Choose our reputation management service and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the online lead generation  and internet marketing services.

The New Trends Of Online Marketing In Upcoming Year

Internet marketingAfter the major algorithm update and the introduction of new knowledge graph (Google’s Hummingbird and Penguin algorithm update) it is predicted that local SEO will lead marketing in the coming future. Techvision Solution will help you to get into the new business opportunities and the trends. The Forbes has reported an important marketing trend through featured article on online marketing trends and the new trend toward local SEO in the coming year.

There are few Internet marketing trends which we should keep in mind for the upcoming year:

  • Content marketing will play an important role more than ever. Content will create and establish the authority. It will engage the client base and generate leads in coming year.
  • New innovation, creativity and diversity will be needed in Social Media Marketing.
  • Content with the featuring images will stand out effectively.
  • Keep your content mobile friendly as much as possible.
  • Offering Simple, Succinct and straightforward message will be needed for the client.
  • Ensure your ads speak to your target audience.
  • Effective SEO and use of Social Signal will make marketing stand out.

Techvision Solution will help you to stand out in your new online marketing trends and help you with the growing trend in online marketing: the growth of local search engine optimization (SEO) to drive new business to companies.


Key to A Enjoyable Party: Gourmet BBQ Catering Melbourne

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Do you enjoy hosting a BBQ party in your backyard? If yes then you are among thousands others who love the same. You must be aware of the work in cooking that such a party entails. You can enjoy the party thoroughly if you leave the cooking part to a gourmet BBQ catering Melbourne service provider. This way you will be able to enjoy the party and relax with your friends while the caterers take care of preparing delicious food for the party menu. When one does not take the service of a caterer a lot of their time is consumed in preparing food for the guests. A good BBQ catering Melbourne service provider will take charge of this activity giving you ample time to spend with your friend and family. This means that you can enjoy to the fullest.

Get the food prepared by the professionals:

The professionals of gourmet BBQ catering Melbourne service providers have a good experience in this work. The food that they prepare will be enjoyed by you and your guests. This is not meant to doubt your cooking skills but to make sure that the food is done in time and with the best expertise. The professionals know some real innovative way to cook the same dishes and might just advise you some new food dishes. They may even advise you on something new that you might just like to incorporate in your party menu.

Gives you time for other activities


While the professionals cook the food for you and your guests, you can take care of all the other things. This gives you ample time to focus on other activities like arranging for the games and greeting and chatting up with the guests. How many times have you thought of having fun at your very own BBQ party but ended up in making arrangements so that everything just falls in the right place. The BBQ catering Melbourne is just here to take some burden off your shoulder. Food is the main focus of a BBQ party and you wouldn't want to spoil it. Getting the work done through a professional BBQ catering Melbourne service provider would ensure that the work will be done perfectly. You can get a lot done through the gourmet BBQ catering Melbourne service provider and enrich your party with mouth watering savory dishes that would leave your guests in all praise for you and your party and crave for the next party you throw. 

Face Painting Melbourne for Corporate Entertainment and Safety Considerations

Face painting Melbourne  involves a lot of considerations as a form of corporate entertainment. Some are mentioned below:

·         Make use of good quality paints: Before applying paint on the skin one must make sure it is of the quality that would not adversely affect the skin.  One important thing that must be kept in mind while doing Face painting Melbourne is that "non-toxic" is not supposed to be considered as absolutely safe on skin.  You must have seen "non-toxic" written over the packages of the acrylic paints that people use in their artistic endeavors. This does not make them safe to be used on one's skin, however. One must not apply watercolors, pencils and markers on the skin. There may be non-FDA approved colorants and chemicals in the craft paint. So many people out there are allergic to these chemicals. Using them on skin can prove to be hazardous. There may be an eruptions of rashes on the skin.

·         Clean the sponges and brushes: Make sure you do not use alcohol to sanitize your sponges and brushes. It can trigger the growth of bacteria if not used in the adequate amount. If there are any leftover traces on the sponge and brush then that could lead to pain in the sensitive areas of the skin.

·         Washing the hands: One must not forget to wash the hands after working with a customer. This ensures good health. You can make use of a good wipe or hand sanitizer.

·         Don't overlook health: Utmost consideration must be given to health concern while doing this activity for corporate entertainment. One must not paint a person who has some infectious illness. Also avoid painting the skin that has a wound or an open sore. Acne must also be avoided while painting. The skin that has acne could cause irritation when the skin is rubbed to remove the paint later on.

·         Glitter should not be used: One must not use metallic glitter used in crafts for painting the face. The glitters that are safe enough to be used on face are made of polyester which are not more than the size of 0.008 microns. The FDA has declared this size as safe to be used on skin.

·         Get face painting insurance: Getting a face paintingMelbourne insurance is a good idea to gain peace while you are at work. Consider getting an insurance.


Face painting Melbourne is great activity provided you do it with care and follow safety measures. It is also a part of corporate entertainment.        

Treat Your Hair With Hairdressers Melbourne

Today the amount of time one spends in front of the mirror trying to fix one’s hair is remarkable. Often we try to fix it ourselves indulging in various different hairdos, but it never comes out like the hairdressers. Thus the Hairdressers Melbourne cbd and hairdressers St. Kilda are two very successful places where there are flourishing and successful hairdressers which have a remarkable customer turnout.

Special Attractions:

These hairdressers are a group of experienced people and are known for their merits. Some of the features about the Hairdressers Melbourne cbd and hairdressers St. Kilda which attract customers towards them are:

·         They are a team of experienced men and women who have devoted their lives to making their customers look good.

·         They charge reasonable rates for their customers.

·         They look for alternatives that fit their client’s budget.

·         They are a group of open minded people who are open to change. With changing time, the fashion, style and hairdos will change. Thus they have to have a knowledge of the past, present and futuristic styles which would please their consumers.

·         The Hairdressers Melbourne cbd and hairdressers St. Kilda are very hospitable people and make their clients feel comfortable and at ease when they are tending them.

New Technologies:

With changing times, hair styling and hairdresser Melbourne have gone through a lot of change. Even now as we speak of its new technologies, new styles, new fashion, fashion accessories are being researched upon and brought about in the market. Another important treatment which often becomes a predecessor or successor of good hairdos is the hair spa treatments. The hairdresser Melbourne takes into consideration that he/she knows about all these new technologies and services so that he/she can choose the best for their clients in the stipulated budget.

Why hairdressing?

By now one has understood why hairdressers are required but one also needs to look at the reasons why hairstyling is required.

·         Parties and Functions are the main reasons for doing up your hair.

·         Page 3 parties and social gathering are another important aspect.

·         People and models involved in fashion industry need to regularly take care of their hair. Same goes for actors.


 Thus by now one has clearly got an idea about hairdresser Melbourne and its success stories in the many years of its service. To conclude one can finally say that the hairdressers in Melbourne are qualified, respected and successful individuals who have carved out a niche for themselves in this industry.

Create Your Website With The Drupal Development Melbourne

Drupal Development Melbourne is a company which is into website designing through the use of the online management source called Drupal. Website designing is a very flourishing career and employment opportunity in contemporary times. Thus more and more people opt for entering into these fields. When they are also encouraged by the presence of such software’s and platforms like Drupal, then one cannot stop the spread of website designing.

Web Designing:

Website Designing has become a very flourishing business in 21st century. With the advent of computers, internet, World Wide Web and most importantly web design software’s like Picasa, adobe etc. there is an increase in the formation of web design studio. The web design studio work either as a team or as a corporate office which takes assignments of designing the various new websites which come online nearly every day.

What is it?

The Drupal Development Melbourne is also an organisation of qualified and successful men and women who engage in the task of website designing. Their web design studio Melbourne produces nearly lakhs of websites every month and all these websites are successful ones. However one has to note the fact that Drupal Developer Melbourne are not the only ones using this platform. There are studios all over the world like in china, Singapore, America and other places which also use this podium for creating websites.


One would now certainly want to know the merits of the Drupal Development Melbourne, after hearing about their functions and success. Some of its merits are:

·         The Drupal Developer Melbourne creates various kinds of websites. For instance, content websites, not-for-profit websites, economic websites, and interactive websites and so on.

·         These websites involve a lot of functions and a variety of areas for the client to explore.

·         These websites are made at a reasonable rate and are futuristic in nature.

·         Behind the scenes are a group of active members who continuously research to create new and interesting elements that one can incorporate in the websites.

·         Also, by the types of websites it creates one can already gauge its versatility.


Thus, due to so many reasons and many more one can conclude that the Drupal Developer Melbourne has pleased its clients by providing the best website designs for them. It has been consistently keeping its pace with its competitors from around the globe and has been successful in its venture. Its clients have never complained and in fact recommended it to other as well.

A Direct Impact On Rank Through Google Ad Extensions

You now have another reason to use ad extensions on your AdWords ads. Google revealed that it is now taking them into account in Ad Rank, which determines the ordering of ads on search results pages.

SEO Services

Ad extensions already made ads more useful to consumers by giving them reasons to click or interact (as with call extensions). That’s precisely why Google is using them in ranking. After all, the more useful the better, right?

 Historically, Google has only taken max CPC bid and Quality Score into account with Ad Rank. The expected impact of the ad extensions and formats that you use will be used as a third ranking factor. If two competing ads have the same bid and quality score, the extension factor could be the tie breaker.

 In case you’re wondering how Google determines “expected impact,” it considers relevance, CTR, and prominence of the extensions or formats on the search results page.

Additionally, Google has increased the importance of Ad Rank itself for determining whether an ad should be displayed with with extensions and formats. Google says you might need to increase your Quality Score, bid or both for extensions and formats to appear.

“In each auction, we’ll generally show your highest performing and most useful combination of extensions and formats among those eligible,” explains Google software engineer Chris Roat. “So there’s no need to try to guess which extensions will help improve your clickthrough rate the most.”

“You may see lower or higher average CPCs in your account,” adds Roat. “You may see lower CPCs if your extensions and formats are highly relevant, and we expect a large positive performance impact relative to other competitors in the auction. In other cases, you may see higher CPCs because of an improvement in ad position or increased competition from other ads with a high expected impact from formats.”

The changes only affect ads that appear on Google search (for now).

Techvision Solution provides the best and affordable SEO services. Choose our cheap SEO packages and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the Best SEO Service Provider  and free SEO consultant Service.

Google Launches Shopping Campaigns(New PLA Campaign Type)

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The entire Google Shopping experience is based on Google’s product listing ads (PLAs), and now Google has introduced a new campaign type for PLAs called “Shopping campaigns”.

Google's New Shopping campaign

“Shopping campaigns streamline how you manage and bid on your products, report on your performance, and find opportunities to grow your traffic from Google,” says Google VP of Product Management Sameer Samat.

With this campaign type, advertisers can browse their product inventory in AdWords and create product groups for bidding.

“For example, if you’re a fashion retailer, you’ll see what types of shoes are in your data feed and how many boots you can promote,” explains Samat. “You use the product attributes derived from your data feed such as Google product category, product type, brand, condition, item id and custom labels to organize your inventory into product groups. Custom labels are a new, structured way to tag your products in your data feed with attributes that matter to you, such as ‘margin’ to separate your high- and low-margin products.”

The Products tab will show a full list of all approved products and their attributes.

Shopping campaigns also include the ability to view performance data by product or product attribute. Performance metrics are associated with the item, and not the product group, so data can filtered and segmented by product attributes. It includes Google product category, product type, brand, condition, item id and custom labels.

Advertisers can add benchmark columns in the Product Groups tab to see the estimated average CTR and CPC for other advertisers with similar products. Impression share columns are on the way.

Shopping campaigns are only available to a limited number of advertisers for now, but they’ll be rolling out gradually in the U.S., and to the rest of the world by early 2014.

Google will also launch API support next year.

Techvision Solution provides the best and affordable SEO services. Choose our cheap SEO packages and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the Best SEO Service Provider  and free SEO consultant Service.

Google Has Updated Its Terms Of Services

Friday 11 October 2013

Google announced a new update to its terms of service today that is no doubt going to ruffle some feathers. The change enables Google to use users’ profile names and photos across Google products as it sees fit. You know, like in ads.

Other changes include a reminder about mobile device safety and details on password confidentiality.

“We want to give you – and your friends and connections – the most useful information,” Google says of the changes. “Recommendations from people you know can really help. So your friends, family and others may see your Profile name and photo, and content like the reviews you share or the ads you +1’d. This only happens when you take an action (things like +1’ing, commenting or following) – and the only people who see it are the people you’ve chosen to share that content with. On Google, you’re in control of what you share. This update to our Terms of Service doesn’t change in any way who you’ve shared things with in the past or your ability to control who you want to share things with in the future.”Reputation management

“Feedback from people you know can save you time and improve results for you and your friends across all Google services, including Search, Maps, Play and in advertising,” Google says. “For example, your friends might see that you rated an album 4 stars on the band’s Google Play page. And the +1 you gave your favorite local bakery could be included in an ad that the bakery runs through Google.”
Google calls the recommendations “shared endorsements,” and has a place where you can go to adjust your settings, and control whether or not your image and name appear in ads. It does appear to be enabled by default, so you may want to check that out. Google does say that if you have told Google in the past that you don’t want your +1s to appear in ads, then they’ll continue to respect that.

Note, however, that the setting only applies to use in ads. It has no effect on where your name and image might appear on other Google products.

Google also says that for user under 18, they won’t appear in shared endorsements in ads and “certain other contexts.”

Google+ still doesn’t have ads on it the way Facebook does, but this highlights how Google is able to use the profile, which is the backbone of Google+ as a way to improve its ads elsewhere.

Techvision Solution provides the best and SEO services. Choose our reputation management service and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the online lead generation  and internet marketing services.

Would Google Update The Page Rank?

Back in August, we discussed Google’s lack of a toolbar PageRank update, and speculated that it might simply be dead. Based on recent comments by Google’s Matt Cutts, we’re still leaning towards this.

Barry Schwartz points to a Twitter response from Cutts to a question about it:

penguin proof SEO services

Roughly translated: Don’t hold your breath.

The last update came in early February. Historically, Google has typically updated the data about every three or four months. Last year, it was updated four times. Obviously things have changed. Even if it’s not dead, it’s even less useful than before, being updated so infrequently. It might as well be dead.

Cutts said in a video earlier this year, “It might be the case that, it might be such that over time, maybe the PageRank feature is not used by as many people, and so maybe it will go away on its own or eventually we’ll reach the point where we say, ‘Okay, maintaining this is not worth the amount of work.’”

That time may have already come and gone.

Techvision Solution  provides the best and SEO services. Choose our reputation management service and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the online lead generation  and internet marketing services.

What Exactly The Penguin 2.1 Is About?

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Google has said before that search engine optimization, or SEO, can be positive and constructive—and we’re not the only ones. Effective search engine optimization can make a site more crawlable and make individual pages more accessible and easier to find. Search engine optimization includes things as simple as keyword research to ensure that the right words are on the page, not just industry jargon that normal people will never type.

“White hat” search engine optimizers often improve the usability of a site, help create great content, or make sites faster, which is good for both users and search engines. Good search engine optimization can also mean good marketing: thinking about creative ways to make a site more compelling, which can help with search engines as well as social media. The net result of making a great site is often greater awareness of that site on the web, which can translate into more people linking to or visiting a site.

The opposite of “white hat” SEO is something called “black hat webspam” (we say “webspam” to distinguish it from email spam). In the pursuit of higher rankings or traffic, a few sites use techniques that don’t benefit users, where the intent is to look for shortcuts or loopholes that would rank pages higher than they deserve to be ranked. We see all sorts of webspam techniques every day, from keyword stuffing to link schemes that attempt to propel sites higher in rankings.

The goal of many of our ranking changes is to help searchers find sites that provide a great user experience and fulfill their information needs. We also want the “good guys” making great sites for users, not just algorithms, to see their effort rewarded. To that end we’ve launched Panda changes that successfully returned higher-quality sites in search results. And earlier this year we launched a page layout algorithm that reduces rankings for sites that don’t make much content available “above the fold.”

In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at webspam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can’t divulge specific signals because we don’t want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.

Here’s an example of a webspam tactic like keyword stuffing taken from a site that will be affected by this change:

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Of course, most sites affected by this change aren’t so blatant. Here’s an example of a site with unusual linking patterns that is also affected by this change. Notice that if you try to read the text aloud you’ll discover that the outgoing links are completely unrelated to the actual content, and in fact the page text has been “spun” beyond recognition:

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Sites affected by this change might not be easily recognizable as spamming without deep analysis or expertise, but the common thread is that these sites are doing much more than white hat SEO; we believe they are engaging in webspam tactics to manipulate search engine rankings.

The change will go live for all languages at the same time. For context, the initial Panda change affected about 12% of queries to a significant degree; this algorithm affects about 3.1% of queries in English to a degree that a regular user might notice. The change affects roughly 3% of queries in languages such as German, Chinese, and Arabic, but the impact is higher in more heavily-spammed languages. For example, 5% of Polish queries change to a degree that a regular user might notice.

We want people doing white hat search engine optimization (or even no search engine optimization at all) to be free to focus on creating amazing, compelling web sites. As always, we’ll keep our ears open for feedback on ways to iterate and improve our ranking algorithms toward that goal.

Techvision Solution update daily news regarding to technology and internet. Check out our daily updates regarding to the Bing, Google updates and news and flow with the stream. We are one of leading SEO Service provider and have best internet marketing strategies.

Penguin Has Arrived Again – Google Penguin 2.1

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Google’s Matt Cutts announced late on Friday that Penguin 2.1 was launched, affecting roughly 1% of searches “to a noticeable degree.” This is the first official Penguin announcement we’ve seen since Google revealed its initial Penguin revamp, with 2.0 in May.

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Penguin 2.0 was the biggest tweak to Penguin since the update initially launched in April of last year, which was why it was called 2.0 despite the update getting several refreshes in between.

Cutts said this about Penguin 2.0 back when it rolled out: “So this one is a little more comprehensive than Penguin 1.0, and we expect it to go a little bit deeper, and have a little bit more of an impact than the original version of Penguin.”

Penguin 2.0 was said to affect 2.3% of queries with previous data refreshes only impacting 0.1% and 0.3%. The initial Penguin update affected 3.1%. While this latest version (2.1) may not be as big as 2.0 or the original, the 1% of queries affected still represents a significantly larger query set than the other past minor refreshes.

Hat tip to Danny Sullivan for the numbers. The folks over at Search Engine Land, by the way, have been keeping a list of version numbers for these updates, which differs from Google’s actual numbers, so if you’ve been going by those, Danny sorts out the confusion for you.

Penguin, of course, is designed to attack webspam. Here’s what Google said about it in the initial launch:

The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can’t divulge specific signals because we don’t want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.

As you can see, Penguin is still part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm.

Techvision Solution provides the best and SEO services. Choose our reputation management service and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the online lead generation  and internet marketing services.

How Much The Search Got Affected By Hummingbird?

Google Inc has overhauled its search algorithm, the foundation of the Internet’s dominant search engine, to better cope with the longer, more complex queries it has been getting from Web users.

Google updates

Amit Singhal, senior vice president of search, told reporters on Thursday that the company launched its latest “Hummingbird” algorithm about a month ago and that it currently affects 90 percent of worldwide searches via Google.

Google is trying to keep pace with the evolution of Internet usage. As search queries get more complicated, traditional “Boolean” or keyword-based systems begin deteriorating because of the need to match concepts and meanings in addition to words.

“Hummingbird” is the company’s effort to match the meaning of queries with that of documents on the Internet, said Singhal from the Menlo Park garage where Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin conceived their now-ubiquitous search engine.

“Remember what it was like to search in 1998? You’d sit down and boot up your bulky computer, dial up on your squawky modem, type in some keywords, and get 10 blue links to websites that had those words,” Singhal wrote in a separate blogpost.

“The world has changed so much since then: billions of people have come online, the Web has grown exponentially, and now you can ask any question on the powerful little device in your pocket.”

Page and Brin set up shop in the garage of Susan Wojcicki — now a senior Google executive — in September 1998, around the time they incorporated their company. This week marks the 15th anniversary of their collaboration.

Techvision Solution update daily news regarding to technology and internet. Check out our daily updates regarding to the Bing, Google updates and news and flow with the stream. We are one of leading SEO Service provider and have best internet marketing strategies.

Google Going To Launch Music App For iOS

Friday 4 October 2013

The last time we heard mention of a native Google Play Music All Access app for iOS, it was back in May. Google’s SVP of Android, Chrome, and Apps said that the app would be launching in a couple of weeks, and that their developers “were working like crazy” on it.

Flash forward to October, and still no app exists. Apparently, that’s about to change.

Engadget quotes sources who say that an official Music All Access app is imminent. In fact, teams are now in test mode and are planning on launching the app some time this month.

SEO servicesGoogle Play Music All Access, Google’s subscription streaming service, went live on May 15th. Subscriptions are $9.99 per month, and they give users access to millions of tracks coupled with personalized suggestions and a streaming radio service.

Of course, the impetus behind brining a Google Play Music All Access app to iOS is for Google to give Apple users an incentive to buy in to the subscription service. iPhone and iPad users have been able to make do with unofficial iOS apps that will stream Google Play music, but Google obviously wants a native app to entice customers.

“In Google’s fundamental DNA, we want [our services] to be universally accessiblefor us, users on iOS who want to use Google services, we want them to be Google users,” Pichai said back in May.

Techvision Solution provides the best and SEO services. Choose our reputation management service and get the top rank in any search engine. Increase traffic and sales with the online lead generation  and internet marketing services.


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